Thursday, September 11, 2008

The beach is calling...

Thursday is finally here! It's the day we leave for a fun little getaway. Watch out everyone here we come...

  • One very long 15 passenger van

  • 3 Hot mamas looking very much forward to this

  • 10 kids

  • oodles of luggage for the 3 day getaway.

  • 2 beach umbrellas and 4 boogie boards

  • p.s. Leigh, I have a portable DVD for the van

Can't wait for all of the fun, No issues or fighting. The men are a little worried about us on the road. Be assured, I packed Steve's BIG, HEAVY flashlight, incase we need to hit any bad guys over the head and I do know how to change a flat tire. Heaven help us though!!!

See ya!!!!!!!!!!


Jeanette said...

HOW FUN!!!! Ryon's (my husband's) mom and 2 other mammas packed up their 6 kids each (18) and took them camping without dads once. Are moms great!!!

Leigh said...

I copied your van picture. I think I'm about to have an anxiety attack. Are we crazy?!

aubri said...

Did you remember the U Haul trailer for all of Leighs luggage!!

Jeanette said...

You're IT! Check out my blog to pick up the Q's to answer.