Monday, July 21, 2008


This was a great motivation to get back in shape!!! I took the holdays off and it was very apparent that I did! Ouch feel the burn in my chest. Its not a good feeling to beat by your group! I must admit.

I was driving down the 101 the other day and couldn't help notice beautiful Camelback Mountain. I haven't hiked it forever, since "teenagerhood"soooooooo, I got the fever to do it before it got too hot. Liz, Steve and I and on ocassion Holly, have hiked the mountain. I didn't remember it to be so difficult! Maybe thats because the last time I hiked it was in geat shape and 15 years younger.
The day Steve came us was so awesome. I love to watch him conquer life! I love to watch people watch him. He is so inspirational. He not only scaled the mountain with upper arm strength he finished way ahead of Liz and I. I love him for all he does and what he teaches me just by being himself.

Its been great the 3 times we went. I love people watching. There are some wierdies out there. Okay, but the real motivation to get to the top was that I knew I was headed to The Grande Orange when I got to the bottom. Have you been there? It is a great little store, bakery, pizza, and restuant. It reminds me of cute little places in Utah, places that I didn't think exsisted here. Boy am I a happy girl.

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