Monday, July 21, 2008


Our two American Bulldogs, Moose & MillieWhat is better than AZ oranges fresh from the trees?
The heavenly orange blossoms. I wish you could smell them. Fesh O.J with breakfast isn't bad either!
I know, a picture of my wreath! I took it because it makes me happy and I think of my great friend Rebecca. She once had a wreath with the ribbons tied from the bottom and I loved it almost as much as I love her.
I am trying to teach my kids the value of hard work. I'm not sure if we are gaining anything from it yet. Its so much work to work with your kids. What I need to learn is to enjoy the journey while doing it. Listen to the chatter and laugh at the funny things. I guess that is the "IDEALIST" in me.
What a great boy.

O is so funny, he takes after his dad.

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