Friday, August 22, 2008

Fabulous Forth of July

We had an Osborn family get together at Draper Park in Utah. The Fourth of July Celebration is so much better Utah. Time out for hitting a girl! I swear I'm trying.

Yea!!!! Rebecca is finally getting married to Chris. We are so excited for her. She and Chris will be married in October and then will move to Washington D.C. We can't wait to go visit them.

Wahoo!! To all the good sports in the bunch. It's nice to know we can still hop like the young ones. I almost peed my pants watching Liz fall to the ground.

Grandma Osborn is an amazing lady. She has been through so much in her life. I appreciate her example of love, patience, endurance, faith, thriftyness and kindness. I am glad to have her in our life. By the way, she is almost 90 and still works in Real Estate, plays the organ in the temple, and cares for the elderly. Ha Ha! Most would consider themselves elderly at her age.

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