Sunday, November 21, 2010


I am so excited!
I have had a smile as big as Texas on my face for days. 
Our family pictures turned out...and that is HUGE! I have been waiting for this for years. I love how they turned out. I love the setting, the color scheme and mostly my cute family.

I have been searching for a Christmas card that would look great with the non-holiday colors I chose for the photos. To my total surprise, I got an tip that Shutterfly had some great options. 
See here:

I LOVE that the website has an area for me to choose the size card I want as well as number of photos wanted on each card. The best part to me was the option to choose my card by color. Really a Christmas card with yellow and blue? What was I thinking?

Here are a few of my FAVORITES... 

You didn't really think I'd show you the one I choose?

I cant wait to order them!


Leigh said...

I'm so glad you're back! I love your pictures. I'm right with you on the pictures. I feel like I've died and gone to Heaven when they turn out. Bee-utiful Family, as always!

Unknown said...

I love your photo, very nice, thanks!!

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information.Thanks for this particular sharing. I hope it stays updated, take care.

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