Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Canning Butter!?!?!

Did you know that you can can butter?

I had great fun with my girlfriend Rhonda canning butter and chocolate chips when they went on sale recently. It lasts for 3-5 years. I am excited to gain more food storage, it makes me feel safe! Its not so bad to feel like you've accomplished something great either.

I met a high school friend at the park the other day. It was so great to catch up and see her little girl. I was telling her about my butter story and about a 3 month supply. She is not a member of my church and was completely shocked at the idea, let alone the 1 year storage idea. I am grateful to have the guidance in my life that the LDS church offers.

Next project... canned chicken! (aka tiny embryos in a jar!)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Its beginning to look alot like Christmas...

My mom once said to me that I shouldn't BBQ cause that takes away my hubby's purpose in the kitchen, so... I guess this applies too! But I love to pull out the ol' box of lights each year and hang them up. I love searching to find the broken bulbs, testing the strand before climbing the ladder, but the biggest reason of all is its sentimental. I am lucky to own the strands that were on my house as a child. Well, only a few now! I figured if they were sparking I should probably retire them. So I have enjoyed robbing those strands of C9 bulbs that are so hard to find. I really love the orange ones. I love how classic they are. I love climbing on the roof and watching the neighborhood from a different view. I love how concerned my kids get while mom is in danger and I love Steve for letting me do this manly job!

Christmas is such a fun time of year, full of joy and traditions. Its so festive and cozy. This year is just as busy as ever, but I am trying to be prepared. A year or so back while I was letting life get a hold of me. Not feeling like I was doing things right or even at all. A beautiful friend of mine (mother of 8!) gave me some wonderful advice.
GET BACK TO THE BASICS. She asked me if I was praying every morning and reading my scriptures daily. No, of course I wasn't! I was living in total chaos, moving and a new baby & so on...
So this year, at Christmastime, Crazy busy time, I decided I would do just that. GET BACK TO THE BASICS! I want to feel the spirit more and get more out of life. I tend to muscle my way through life WAY too much. I need to have more faith. The funny thing is it totally works. My days are happier, I accomplish more & I am NICER! Now who doesn't want that?
So maybe, to my wonderful friends reading this, try to GET BACK TO THE BASICS & enjoy this season and the New Year to come. Heavens knows we could all use it!